Part 2 - Course 7: Summarizing the In-Vehicle Process (1 hour)
Part 2 In the Car: Take the Wheel
Course Handout - Please download
Course References & Resources
Module Introduction
Practicing Documentation Strategies (M7 L1 A1)
Strategies for In-Vehicle Documentation (M7 L1 A2)
Documentation Assignment (M7 L1 A3)
Adaptive Equipment Process (M7 L2 A1)
Funding Sources For Adaptive Equipment (M7 L2 A2)
Documenting the Adaptive Equipment Prescription (M7 L2 A3.1)
Example of Adaptive Equipment Prescription (M7 L2 A3.2)
Resolving Conflicts between a Mobility Equipment Dealer & an OT (M7 L2 A4)
Final Fitting (M7 L2 A4)
Example of Final Fitting Documentation (M7 L2 A4.2)
Final Fitting Pictures (M7 L2 A5)
Observations of Phyllis' Final Fitting (M7 L2 A6)
Case Study: 300 #1 PF #1 Rx Example & 300 #1 PF #1 (M7 L2 A8.1)
Case Study: 300 #1 PF #1 Rx Example & 300 #1 PF #1 (M7 L2 A8.2)
Steps for Completing Follow Up (M7 L3 A1)
Considering DRS Time for Communication and Follow up (M7 L3 A2)
Case Study: Jessica (M7 L3 A3)
Please visit main page for full details.